I do believe I got them all out of my system now you guys. The distractions that is. I spent some time last night trying to tie in some historical facts into my historical based novel. Because I am writing during the Regency era, I am mostly concentrating on some of the early events from the Battle of Waterloo and also the Battle of Trafalgar. I found a very cool website that gives heaps of information that will really help me with tying certain facts and historical figures into my storyline/plot. It even provided different pictures with lots of details and explanations of what was being shown, which is always good for a writer that needs a visual. Moi. This was one of my "big need to do's" that I had to finish up with, so it's kind of a relief that I tackled it. And with a little fine tuning it should work into the story very nicely. I hope!
Now my next item on the list was a few changes to a couple of my character's names. I originally had my heroine's name as Samantha. I always wanted a name that also comes with a cool unisex nickname, if that makes sense. For example; Samantha could be Sam for short. But after a while Samantha just wasn't working anymore for me. It just sounded boring and not bold enough for her character. So then I changed it to Keira, but no nickname really can be associated with it so that was thrown out pretty quick. Now the whole reason why the nickname and it's importance of being unisex will all be revealed in my novel, so I don't want to spoil anything. Just know that it's important, ok! I had some down time at work one day and came across a very cool website(yes another one) which is everything Regency related. There are endless categories such as names, homes, arts & culture, Navy, Army, food & drink, politics, marriage contracts, and best of all-maps. If anyone is interested, here is the link. click here. Anywhooo...back to the name.
I came across Kit, and thought to myself how perfect that is for her. After I repeated it a few times in my head I got really excited, but first wanted to run it by Chip and also my writing buddy, Andy to see what they both thought. So Kit it is!!! I just need to now figure out her given name. :) So plan of action for today will be to figure out Kit's given name, and decide on a few other character's names.
Yeah, I really enjoyed Kit in Knight Rider and i cant wait to see what you write about that car now!