Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Research...My Achilles' heel !!!

So I've been hard at work again with my book. I generally always carry around with me a small notepad & pencil for those just in case moments when an idea strikes or even to add to my things to do still list . When I left for work this morning, I made sure to grab my trusty Things that still need to be decided on notepad, that I previously made quite a few notes in. And boy do I have a lot of things still on this list that need to get done before I can really move further along with the writing aspect. Things like actual geographical locations and places, names of characters, names for the ships, etc. Oh, did I ever mention that my novel is based in the Regency Era and featuring pirates? I don't believe that I have. OOPS...sorry about that. lol
Over the years, I have done a lot of research. I tend to get extremely carried away with my research actually. I am so fascinated with our history. All history to be honest with you. But my favorite and almost to the point of it being an obsession is the Georgian, Regency, and Victorian Eras. I can get absolutely lost in a book that details the aristocracy, royalty, fashion, politics, and architecture for those periods. My husband would give me these weird looks when he noticed that I have a stack of library books about furniture and clothing and even ask me, "How can you actually sit and read this stuff Nicole." Well simply because it fascinates me. Seriously!! So yes, my research is my Achilles' heel because I can lose myself in it instead of doing my actual writing. Now I know that I mentioned in yesterday's blog that I have a new plan of action, which was to write first. Right? Well just as soon as I complete that list I made in my trusty notepad. I figured that from now until Sunday, this gives me plenty of time to accomplish that. I hope.

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