Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Muse Is Back !!!

Yesterday at lunch my husband told me that he had a pretty good idea to help me out with my writing schedule. He told me that maybe I should write in blocks and after he explained what he meant, it's pretty much like outlining. I was filled with such excitement that I jumped up and went to my computer to print out my outline to show him that I kind of already had one. It's pretty sad that I honestly haven't looked at or touched it since March 2009. Eeekkk !!!  I've managed to change this outline countless times over the years, but only to improve the storyline. Now I just need to actually sit my butt down and write the darn story.

We discussed my outline in more detail for the remainder of our lunch. I really wanted him to be able to visualize where I wanted this story to go. And when he actually told me that he really thinks that I've got a good story and he can picture it like a movie; that was the kick in the ass I was needing. God, I love this man!!!! But he seriously hit the mark with that statement because that is how I have always seen it playing out in my head.
Needless to say, I went back to my desk and tweaked my outline for the rest of the day. My mind was completely tuned into my story and it still is. I think the muse has come back and I hope that she sticks around this time.

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