Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day !!!!

So typically hubby and I don't really celebrate the traditional Valentine's day like most do I guess. We postpone our day to the 16th instead since this is our anniversary for the day we first met. (Awe!!)
But this year I was feeling crafty so I decided I wanted to make a gigantic card. Yes I can be crafty folks.  I headed to the local Hobby Lobby and loaded up on supplies to make my DH a huge V-Day card. And because I can be a dork at times, I screwed it up just a little. Everything was going great until DH yells to me that I have to hurry and come into the living room, like right at that exact moment. It was really important. Which it was because Lady Gaga(I <3 her) was just about to perform on the Grammy's. She is so bad ass and crazy. How can you not like this gal? Anyhoo, after I finished watching Gaga I went back to finish the card. I have a really bad habit of not paying close attention sometimes and get in a hurry to finish things. I thought that I knew where I left off with my sweet touchy-feely quote so I just summed up the bottom and signed it. Didn't realize that I left an important part out of the quote so it doesn't make any sense. I really didn't even notice this until after hubby read it and just kind of gave me this look. But darn it, it was the thought that counted. Right? Maybe you can see my error!

So Happy Valentine's Day to all you love birds out there!!!!

My next blog with be extra special. It's to feature my newest pair of Lady Gaga inspired shoes. ;)


  1. It is the Best Valentines Card ever made!! and you are the BEST wife and friend in the world!!! I Love you the MOST!!!!! Happy Valentines Day Nik!

  2. You guys are cute!

    I wanna see the shoes!
